Portage Place

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Digital Displays

Portage Place is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Winnipeg. With over 125 shops and services, underground parking and an entertainment level all under one roof, it creates a shopping, culinary and entertainement experience all at once.

General informations
Annual traffic 8,411,790
Number of stores 125
Gross area 294,213 ft²
Time spent per visit 65.2 minutes
Number of visits per month 5.4
Average purchase during a visit $ 61.95
Market population 655,350
Average household income $ 60,134
Source : The centres / Monday Report
  • Banners
  • Posters
  • Digital Displays
  • Specialty Media

393 Portage Ave Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada, R3B 3H6