Mill Woods Town Centre

Edmonton, Alberta

Digital Displays

The centre is located in the heart of a growing residential community close to everywhere and harboring all basic services making it an impossible to miss stop for all shopping and servicepurposes. You can find major retailersand a dozen outlets with a suitable food court and all under one roof. Making Mill Woods Town Centre the most popular mall in southeast Edmonton.

General informations
Annual traffic 5,460,449
Number of stores 86
Gross area 532,197 ft²
Time spent per visit 65.1 minutes
Number of visits per month 4.8
Average purchase during a visit $65.51
Market population 728,098
Average household income $ 86,200
Source : The centres / Monday Report
  • Digital Displays
  • Specialty Media

2331 66 St NW Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada, T6K 4B5